
New release in the starting blocks: Mailissa Info


A new product extension for Mailissa is in the starting blocks. Besides Mailissa Transfer und Mailissa Team , the powerful product Mailissa Info will also be available in the future.

With Mailissa Info you can enrich incoming emails in Microsoft Outlook with additional information from your business applications (e.g. SAP, Salesforce, Zendesk, …). With the new function, the person processing the e-mail can quickly and easily obtain useful additional information about the sender. For example, add extended contact information, open invoices, maintenance contracts, complaints, opportunities and service tickets, and ongoing projects to incoming emails.

The selection of the information to be enriched can be adapted to the respective processor and his information needs. This way, every employee has an overview of all the important information about the sender as soon as he or she receives an e-mail, if desired, and saves long search times.

By assigning rights and user profiles, you can define which information can be accessed by the editor. This allows you to provide different information to the sales department than to support.

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