
Trello Integration for Microsoft Outlook

With the connector between Microsoft Outlook and Trello, you can easily create new cards with description, agent and due date directly from emails – without leaving your inbox.

Grafik von Menschen die mit Mailissa Mail in Trello ablegen und Task verschieben

Connect your Trello boards with Microsoft Outlook

With just a few clicks, you can create cards from emails in your Trello boards. Add title, editor, due date and comments to the cards without leaving your mailbox. You can also easily add email attachments such as PDFs, images or other files to an existing or new Trello card. With Trello Outlook integration, you can make sure that no important emails, information and tasks slip through and remain unprocessed. Easily convert emails directly into to-dos and keep track of all pending tasks with your team.


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Besides Trello, you can connect many other tools to your Microsoft Outlook inbox.

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